Durango West 2 E-News March 2024

March 2024
Want to Be A Board Member?
We expect to have an opening for a board member this Spring. If you are interested in becoming a board member, we invite you to begin attending board meetings each month to learn more about the process and what board meetings are like. Board meetings are held in the Mail Building at the front entrance. You can also email dw2@dgowest2.com to get more information.
Stop Vandalism
As most of you know, our neighborhood was vandalized on February 24th. We are working with the La Plata County Sheriff’s Office to find out who was responsible. Traffic signs, playground signs, postal boxes, roads, and playground equipment were painted with marker and spray paint. This is a serious property crime. It is costing the district money and resources that would be much better spent on other needs. The district is working on organizing repair. If you or your kids have information about this incident, please contact the district at dw2@dgowest2.com or 970-259-3946 and report to Deputy Bosick at cbosick@lpcgov.org.
Fire Hydrants – Spring Access
If you have a fire hydrant on your property, please keep it accessible year-round. During the winter, we appreciate the assistance from homeowners who have hydrants on their property in keeping them clear from snow. During spring, remove shrubs, branches, etc that block visual and physical access.
New Website Coming Soon
The District's new website should be launched in this month! Until then, please continue using our website for signing into your Ebill account or for other needs and information.
Next Board Meeting is March 20th at 5 p.m. at the Mail House