Durango West 2 E-News Feb 2024

February 2024
2024 Board Meetings Time and Place
The Durango West 2 Board adopted its meeting time and location for 2024. Meetings will be held the third Wednesday of the month at 5 p.m. in the Mail Building at the DW2 entrance. Agendas are posted on the DW2 website. Read more...
The District ended the year 2023 on budget.
Winter Driving and Walking
With all this snow and changing temperature, it is important to remember that roads may become quite slick at times and slushy other times. Please slow down and take your time while traveling through the neighborhood. Be considerate of your fellow drivers and your neighbors walking on the streets by reducing your speed and exercising more caution especially around curves. In the winter when it’s more difficult for cars to maneuver and stop, it’s important that people walking on the road stay close to one side of the road to ensure safe passage of two vehicles as well as the pedestrians.
Fire Hydrants
If you have a fire hydrant on your property, please keep it accessible year-round. During the winter, we appreciate the assistance from homeowners who have hydrants on their property in keeping them clear from snow; and will provide assistance during larger storms when needed. Thank you to all residents who have been maintaining their hydrant and to those neighbors who have helped them out.
Welcome to DW2 E- News
This is our first electronic newsletter edition. We will be improving the DW2 E-News as time goes on.
New Website Coming Soon
We are working on a new website which should be launched in the next few months. Until then, please continue using our website for signing into your Ebill account or for other needs and information.
Next Board Meeting is February 21 at 5 p.m. at the Mail House