Durango West 2 E-News February 2025

February 2025
Call for Nominations
Three board positions will be up for election in May 2025. These are 4-year terms. As a Special District, our election is regulated by the Colorado Secretary of State. Self-nomination forms are available for any District resident or District property owner interested in running for a position on the Board. You must be registered to vote in the state of Colorado. To obtain a form, contact dw2@dgowest2.com or call 970-259-3946. All self-nomination forms must be returned via the DW2 drop box under the window at the Mail Building or emailed to dw2@dgowest2.com by close of business (3 p.m.) Friday, February 28th per Colorado law.
District Board Members are volunteers who dedicate approximately five hours each month to make important decisions regarding your water, sewer, road and recreation systems. Board meetings are the third Wednesday of the month at 5 p.m. If you would like to learn more, you can email us for a Board Member Roles and Responsibilities or contact a current Boardmember. For board contact information, email the district.
Wildfire Mitigation
In light of the tragic fires happening in California, and given low precipitation and snowpack this winter, the district would like to let residents know what it has done and will continue to do to reduce fuels and reduce wildfire risk as well as what residents can do to mitigate their property and to be prepared in case of a wildfire emergency.
As a district, DW2 takes wildfire mitigation very seriously. The district has $31,360 budgeted in 2025 for its continuous commitment to wildfire mitigation around the district. This will allow us to continue the work we have been doing over the past seven years. In 2018, Durango West 2 began a three-year plan developed by Fire Smart INC to reduce wildfire risk within the common areas of our community. The total area mitigated is approximately 64.45 acres which constitutes all of the district open space properties. Beginning in 2022, DW2 began maintaining and improving mitigation treatments in these previously treated common areas. Treatments were again prioritized due to risk and need and are re-evaluated each year. The greenbelt mitigation treatments are designed to reduce the intensity and spread rates of wildfire in and around the district. These treatments accomplish this by reducing fuel density and connectivity. These treatments are designed to work in combination with mitigation treatments on private properties that border the greenbelt.
Residents are encouraged to conduct mitigation on their property. Durango Fire and Rescue is offering homeowners free wildfire risk assessments. Residents can learn more at: https://www.durangofire.org/wildfire-risk-mitigation-and-preparedness. Wildfire Adapted Partnership also offers assessments and programs to help homeowners at https://www.wildfireadapted.org/. Residents are also encouraged to get prepared including having a go kit and an evacuation plan and to sign up for La Plata County Code Red. You can find these and other resources at La Plata County's Wildfire Resource Center.
Winter Driving and Walking
With all the changing temperature, it is important to remember that roads may become quite slick at times and slushy other times. Please slow down and take your time while traveling through the neighborhood. Be considerate of your fellow drivers and your neighbors walking on the streets by reducing your speed and exercising more caution especially around curves. In the winter when it’s more difficult for cars to maneuver and stop, it’s important that people walking on the road stay close to one side of the road to ensure safe passage of two vehicles as well as the pedestrians.
Fire Hydrants
If you have a fire hydrant on your property, please keep it accessible year-round. During the winter, we appreciate the assistance from homeowners who have hydrants on their property in keeping them clear from snow; and will provide assistance during larger storms when needed. Thank you to all residents who have been maintaining their hydrant and to those neighbors who have helped them out.
2024 Budget Adjustment
The district was slightly over its 2024 budgeted amounts - by $4,897.36 in the General Fund and $2, 611.75 in the Wastewater Fund. A Budget Adjustment resolution will be on the February 19th board agenda.
2025 Board Meetings Time and Place
The Durango West 2 Board adopted its meeting time and location for 2025. Meetings will be held the third Wednesday of the month at 5 p.m. in the Mail Building at the DW2 entrance. No board meetings will be held in March, May, July or December. Agendas are posted on the DW2 website.
Board Officers
The Board elected 2025 officers at their January meeting. Carly Thomson will serve as President, Beverly Lawrence as Vice-President and Derek Ryter as Treasurer.
Next Board Meeting is February 19th at 5 p.m. at the Mail House