Bears Are Here

Keep our neighborhood and our bear neighbors safe by not providing easy food access.
Bears are out and looking for even more food on their quest to fatten up for winter. 20,000 calories daily!
Do not leave birdfeeders or pet food dishes out at night. Do NOT leave your trash can out before the morning of pick-up. Residents must either leave their trash containers in a garage until the day of pick-up and put the container back inside by the end of the day or have a bear-proof garbage container. La Plata County has an ordinance that fines residents at least $200 for not securing trash containers from wildlife. To report a violation, contact Animal Protection through Central Dispatch 970-385-2900. Reporting incidents of trash being allowed to be accessed by bears is very important to make our area safe for both bears and people. Check out Bear Smart Durango for more resources and videos. All bear sightings and other incidents should be can be reported to the bear hotline at 247-BEAR(2327) or to Colorado Parks & Wildlife (970-247-0855).
Bear Smart Durango is urging residents to use excess fruit instead of leaving it on or under trees. An additional benefit of using all available fruit is a reduced likelihood of tree damage by bears. Visit the Good Food Collective for harvesting assistance.